Beginnen wir damit, ehrlich zu sein; Das Laufen bei eisiger Kälte und rutschigen Bedingungen wird nie so einfach und unterhaltsam sein, wie wenn ein warmer Frühlingswind um Ihre Beine weht, wenn Sie ein Tanktop und Split-Shorts anziehen. Das Dilemma ist, dass jetzt der Grundstein gelegt wird. Aus Kilometern sollen Meilen werden, die Intervalle härter und schneller werden und Bergtraining wichtiger denn je. Daher können Sie das Laufen im Winter nicht ignorieren.
It is important to accept that running in snow and cold will not be as easy. So lower the time targets according to the conditions. The weather builds character that you will benefit from this spring.
At YMR Track Club, we strive to produce performance wear for harsh winter conditions that both keep warm but are easy to run in. That's why we've created for example the Åsunden Insulation Tights with a fleece inside and with a lot of stretch. As a base layer, you can use Västanede Merino Longsleeve or Åsunden Hoodie with a vest over it, for example.
Try to get in at least one session on the treadmill or even better on an indoor running track. With a little lighter clothing on the body, it is easier to maintain a good running technique. This is also a great opportunity to run a little faster.
Working with visualizations is good in all seasons. Elite athletes at the very highest level are experts at this. Do this five min/day and you will notice a difference. Close your eyes and relax and try to create positive images of how you succeed. It could, for example, be about that race you signed up for this summer or a tough training session that awaits. Use as many senses as you can when creating pictures in your head of your success. Visualizations can also be used in other areas of life.
Winter is an excellent time to build strength. Many athletes miss that increased strength means that posture and technique are based on good basic strength. Put in a session of strength training in the week when it's cold outside. Vary exercises for the abs and back, legs and upper body to find a balance in the body.