Welcome to the first of four exclusive training events with YMR Track Club & Samsung Galaxy Watch. Through these sessions, you'll have the chance to experience the Samsung Galaxy Watch6 firsthand. Our expert coach, Mattias Jakobsson has crafted a comprehensive three-month training program tailored to all levels of runners.
Here is what you can expect from the first session taking place Wednesday April 10 from YMR Track Clubhouse in Stockholm.
The focus during this block will be to accumulate minutes in heart rate zone 2. Use the watch's heart rate guide to stay within this zone. With the Samsung Galaxy Watch, you can get assistance in assessing your heart rate zones, or you can set them yourself.
Regardless, the Samsung Galaxy Watch notifies you when you are in the correct zone and warns you if you stray outside of it.
Training in zone 2 develops your endurance and builds up your body's muscles, joints, tendons, and bones. You equip yourself to endure harder training in the future. Training in this zone feels fairly easy.
A rule of thumb is that you should be able to carry on a conversation with your workout partner while training in this zone. Many tend to run too fast during their zone 2 sessions, but dare to go slowly. It serves a good purpose.
During this block, we will build a solid foundation and strengthen the body. Distance sessions in zone 2, running technique exercises, and core strength exercises are included. If you are a beginner or resuming after a long break, stick to the lower time range.
If you are more experienced, stay within the upper time range. You know your body best. With the Samsung Galaxy Watch, it's easy to maintain the right intensity.
The focus during this block will be to accumulate minutes in zone 2. Use the Samsung Galaxy Watch's heart rate guide to stay within this zone.
The focus during this block is to increase the intensity of the training. Here we want up to heart rate zone 3-4. Both the event and the training program will contain varying forms of long intervals. Show how we can use the Samsung Galaxy Watch6 to set interval time and heart rate guide during interval training.
28 MAY
After a good base, a few weeks of training in zone 3-4, during this block it is time to venture into zone 5. High intensity and interval training where we shorten the intervals and increases rest.