Ängsö Water Bottle Water Bottles YMR Track Club
Ängsö Water Bottle Water Bottles YMR Track Club
Ängsö Water Bottle Water Bottles YMR Track Club
Ängsö Water Bottle Water Bottles YMR Track Club

Ängsö Water Bottle

Regular price $18.00


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Ängsö Water Bottle Water Bottles YMR Track Club


Local production is in our DNA at YMR Track Club and we are incredibly proud to be able to say that the Ängsö Collection and new Ängsö White Water Bottle is produced in Sweden. Here we have developed high quality fabrics and clothes for generations.

“Here in Sjuhärad, we have a strong tradition of producing sportswear and fashion. For example, my grandfather had a shirt factory here many years ago. During the 1970s, almost all production moved to other countries especially in Asia, but now there is a growing interest in local production again. We are now pioneers in being able to produce locally here in Sweden again is fantastic ”

–  YMR Track Club’s Founder and CEO, Peter Häggström Lindecrantz


The name Ängsö comes from one of the most beautiful places in the textile district Sjuhärad. It is situated very close to the places where we produce a large part of the Ängsö collection. One of the best ways to discover Ängsö and its surroundings is with YMR performance wear and running shoes on. We run over the old stone bridge over to Ängsö which is located in the heart of Västergötland.

The Ängsö Socks fit perfectly in the running shoe and we have strapped the Ängsö White Water Bottle to the running backpack. The arms work actively and we make our way through the beautiful landscape with the sparkling water and the beautiful forest groves around us. This is our home ground! We turn right and go up via the large avenue and increase the pace up the hill a bit up among the fields before we end our running round around Ängsö.